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Importance of having the right balance of Body and Mind

Breathing techniques are tools for transformation and healing. Meditation is about increasing awareness of how we operate. While meditation asks us to observe our breath without manipulating it, breath work is a form of active meditation which uses breathing practices to try and alter our mood and mind state.

The goal of breath work in yoga is to maintain, balance and restore physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. It results in several physiological benefits, achieved through control of respiration. 

Health First classes are designed to include all three exercises. 


Breath Work

At health First we will focus on 10 breathing techniques for stress relief and more. Just like aerobic exercises improve heart function and strengthens muscles, these techniques are  exercises to reduce stress, improve our lung function and efficiency.

Image by Jared Rice

Meditation Guide

Meditation is a way to quiet our mind, increase self awareness and be focused in the present. Join my meditation practices to enjoy its many important health benefits such as lowering the heart rate and blood pressure, calm our nervous system and improve sleep.

Warrior Two


A series of Yoga classes specifically tailored to your capabilities and needs. Take a Yoga class to balance your body, mind and spirit. Yoga helps increase circulation, oxygenation, burn toxins and opens a space for self nourishment.


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